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What is ST.TESKE?
Within the title ST.TESKE I am presenting works as a sculpture textile artist. Textile or fibre art is a subfield of the visual fine arts in the area of plastic or sculpture. Preferably I am working experimental with soft surfaces like recycled textiles, fibres or yarns and explore artistically the boundaries from 2D surfaces to 3D sculptural shapes. As my background is from applied arts and design my main motive is the shape of jacket or coat.
The motive jacket or coat nourishes my fascination of sculpture in combination with dynamic, movement and human body.
For me it is important to differentiate my artistically objects from my commercial offered jackets and coats made of handwoven HARRIS TWEED® under the name of BÂTAR D´ESTE. The difference is the plastics are sculptural artefacts which are made in an artistic process and they exist only as one single object. Moreover the pieces are created in a lavish work process far away from industrial or commercial standards. Furthermore in the process of creation I deal with themes and issues intellectually.
My first steps into the world of textile art started when I was quite young in school, I discovered the book "ART TO WEAR" by Julie Schafler-Dale in our public library. Later on I started with drawings, crocheting, embroidery and sewing. During my basic studies I started my personal project called
[ MEMORIⒶVENIR ]. My aim was to deal in the field of experimental pattern cutting, textile, geometry, mathematics, surfaces and to find a way of artistic expression away from industrial garment designing and producing. Making textile sculptures with the motive jacket or coat offers an ambivalent and subversive perspective on the intersection of fine arts and design. My sculptures are wearable art and art to wear - fine art objects and products at the same time.
In the following I present my latest objects I created during the very exceptional situation of the covid-19/corona lockdowns.
Actually the objects are pieces of my ongoing longterm project
[ MEMORIⒶVENIR ]. Furthermore I feel a sublimation of my sculptural textile objects as I liberate more and more from my industrial design background.
As the time during lockdowns was very exceptional and felt like a bubble, I decided to combine them in one separat cycle entitled "Void".
CYCLE "Void"
Object 2020-01: Vestige

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2020-01: "Vestige"_Front

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2020-01: "Vestige"_Back

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2020-01: "Vestige"_Front

Object 2021-01: Sphere

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2021-01: "Sphere"_Front

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2021-01: "Sphere"_Back

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2021-01: "Sphere"_Front

Object 2021-02: Debris

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2021-02: "Debris"_Front

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2021-02: "Debris"_Back

Textile Skulptur_Zyklus "Void"_Object 2021-02: "Debris"_Front

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